Ideas are as great as you want
What an idea, sir ji? I really have started believing in the power of ideas. The biggest inventions of mankind were started with an idea first, then were followed by the work on them. I want to share THE BIGGEST IDEA with you. It is-"Never let any idea go out of your head without using it." It doesn't matter how bad or good it is. The quality of idea can be decided later on. There are ideas running on the top floor of every "human building". :-) Whenever an idea clicks you, note it down somewhere-as fast you can. It may be your cell phone, your notebook (electronic or paper), your pocket diary or just a piece of paper. The idea here is-record it somewhere permanently. Don't just keep it in your head. The stay of ideas-in your head-is for very short duration. They just enter your head and vanish in the air. If you fail to note down what clicked your mind, later you may not be able to recall accurately what occurred to you. Even if you bang your head again...