You Begin it First...

It happened with me (Perhaps happens with most of us) that I craved to do something but failed to believe in it.

I wanted to write a story on youth but feared whether I will ever be able to write something worthwhile (the last time I wrote a story was when I was 15). I struggled with ideas, with my pen and paper. I gave up every time.

In less than one year, something became alive within me. An idea clicked me and I decided to give it a shape. I began with the initial story and then kept writing - whatever came to my mind. This process gave birth to more insights and ideas to make it better. Then I re-wrote some parts, even re-wrote the already re-written sections. 

In five months, I was ready with the initial manuscript, which I shared with one of my colleagues who taught literature. On his suggestion, I made some minor as well as major changes to the plot. After one month, my script was done. For next one month, I edited the manuscript to make it crisp and error-free.

After seven months of work, my book was ready, which I published as Kindle eBook on Amazon, this April.

Why I have narrated this boring story about my first big story I wrote? This blog is all about sharing ideas, which may lead to many more ideas. I hope this will motivate someone to share their idea here.

You may want to check the blurb of the novel at the following link:


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